Jeff Omens, PhD

Department of Bioengineering
University of California San Diego
9500 Gilman Drive, 0412
La Jolla, CA


Contact Information:
Office: Room 231 PFBH
Phone: 858-534-8102
Lab manager, Jennifer Stowe (

Dr. Omens is retired Professor of Medicine, and currently part-time Professor of Bioengineering. He obtained both his undergraduate and graduate degrees in Applied Mechanics at UCSD. His current office and lab are in the Bioengineering building at UCSD, room PFBH 231.

His research interests are in cardiac mechanics and mechanisms of cardiac disease. He is a principal investigator in the Cardiac Mechanics Research Group in the Department of Bioengineering along with Dr. McCulloch. His research focused on the relationship between mechanics and structure in the normal and diseased heart. Several ongoing projects in the research group include passive and active mechanics of the normal and diseased heart, and computational modeling in the heart to aid in analysis and treatments for congenital heart patients.